FREE "How to" on Quilt as you go Hexagons

Hello everyone!!

My Christmas has started and I thought I would share with you a step by step process of how I make my "Quilt as you go" hexagons.

Cut out one large hexagon (outer) in the backing fabric, one smaller hexagon (inner) out of main fabric, and one smaller hexagon (inner) out of wadding.

Lay the large hexagon wrong side up and place the large template on top making sure it lines up.

Place the wadding inside the hexagon, so that it fits perfectly in the template gap.

Put the main smaller hexagon on top of the wadding, right side up. Pin in place and then remove the template.

Now we are ready to start folding and sewing. Fold the first edge up to the edge of the centre hexagon, then fold again so that it folds over the centre hexagon, pin or clip in place.

Do the same for the next edge.

Once you have 2 edges clipped or pinned you can start sewing.

Now you keep sewing and folding until you have completed your hexagon.

You will have to wait and see what it's part of!!

Also something else to wait for, look what arrived this week???

You'll have to wait for the next instalment, to see what goodies I received.

Happy sewing!


Nicola X

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