I've made another Graffiti Notebook!!

Hello everyone,

I have ‘Sew’ much fun doing graffiti sewing that I decided I would finish the notebook I started on my Hochanda TV show last Sunday. I hardly ever get round to finishing the things I make on TV.
I thought it would be nice to show you some other ways of putting your Graffiti Notebook together as well. If like me you had lots left over, you could get some backing fabric and make another (I’m thinking Christmas pressies!!).
So this is the pile of fabric and bits that I had left over after making my first notebook kit.

This is the notebook I started on the TV (I didn’t use left overs from my kit for this bit).


I had made some 1/2” hexagons and started to applique them to a panel, this was going to be one of my demo’s but I didn’t get a chance to do this one!


I carried on with the hexagons, I embroidered around the other hexagon paper with orange embroidery thread, then made a 3/4” hexagon from one of the scraps and appliquéd that on.


Then came some lace and a label.


I added some scraps down the left-hand side of the lace (I just tucked it under before sewing down), and I couldn’t resist adding the pussy cat labels!!


Then I had a bit of fun! I made 3 x 1/2” hexagons with scraps and after tacking I pressed each hexagon, carefully removing the paper, making sure the seam allowances stayed under. I placed the hexagons onto the fabric and then just went a little bit bonkers sewing over them, making sure that there was enough stitching to keep the edges of the hexagons secure.


I made a little scrappy ribbon trim, attached it and added a charm.


I couldn’t resist putting the dog charm on taunting the cats!!


I sewed some scraps together and trimmed the top edge with ribbon to make an internal pocket.



On my pocket I layered up some scraps and made a yoyo. Then I hand stitched them on (not very neatly on purpose!).



I sewed some more scraps together and then cut them up so that I could stitch one on the front and one on the inside.

Some more details for you. 





Left inside cover

Right inside cover


I really enjoyed making this and I had loads of fun, but sadly for me I knew I was going to be giving it away :(
The good news is that one of you will be winning it!! :)

So, what do you have to do to win it I hear you say?
As there is not much fun in the world at the moment all I need you to do is email me, or post a photo or comment on either my Facebook page, Facebook Group or Instagram page. Something funny (not rude though), or something that makes you happy or smile, or even one of your Daisy and Grace makes that you are particularly proud of. My friend Steph and I will then go through all entries and decide who the winner is! On 21st October we will announce who has won my notebook (I don’t want to say good bye to it as I love it so much but I am sure whoever wins it will love it just as much?).
Well until next time, keep safe, well & Happy Sewing.
Nicola X


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